Anna Bampou - Counselling, Supervision and Training Services

Counselling Services


Adults Counselling

I strive to create a safe, supportive environment where you can explore your concerns, thoughts, and feelings. My aim is to assist you in developing a better understanding of your issues, difficulties, and who you are at a deep level, moving towards developing a better relationship with yourself, and others, going forward in your life.

I am trained as an Integrative Counsellor and I draw from different counselling theories and approaches, such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Person-Centred, Psychodynamic, creative theories such as therapeutic play, creative writing and therapeutic art, Motivational Interviewing, the 12 Step Minnesota Model, coaching, among others, all tailored and matched to each client’s specific needs.

In my counselling work I refrain from making any diagnosis and judgements or any attempts to fit you into one counselling theory or specific counselling interventions. Instead, by being attentive, respectful and caring towards you and what concerns you, I strive to provide a therapeutic relationship within which we can explore what matters most to you and how to move forward. I aim to be led by you and work with you in the way that you need.

I also offer counselling for self-development purposes, supporting those who look for a way of empowering themselves to become the person they wish to be, through profound self-exploration and by developing or learning new life skills.


Children & Young People Counselling


As a children/young people counsellor, I work with children from the age of 4 and young people with a range of presenting issues such as loss and bereavement, low self-esteem, bullying, anger issues, family breakdown, anxiety, depression, trauma and domestic violence issues. I use therapeutic play and creative mediums such as art, which are the children/young people natural mediums to learn, communicate and explore their worlds. Through play and creative mediums I help them express themselves, explore their feelings and make sense of their experiences, empowering them to create solutions and increase their self-esteem by managing their individual situation.

Alongside helping the children/young people, I extend the support to their parent(s)/carer(s) and family, through regular review meetings, where progress of the child/young person in therapy can be discussed and/or additional support can be offered to enhance the changes and developments achieved by the child/young person. I take serious consideration of safeguarding issues and confidentiality, and I have firm procedures in place to ensure this. I also have a well-established referral network in association with my colleagues at The Eaves and in other private settings.


Therapy for Counsellors in Training

​I have experience in counselling counsellors in training for whom therapy is an integral part of their training. My experience as a counselling lecturer lends well to this part of my counselling role and I am attempting to model best practice for all trainee counsellors.


Addictions Counselling


Whatever the form of addiction, I can help you to explore and increase your awareness of the underlying reasons driving your addiction and addictive behaviour and support you to develop new skills and establish supportive relationships that will lead you towards a life of sustainable abstinence. If during your assessment, or one-to-one counselling sessions together, we feel that medical detox and/or residential treatment is required, I can help you make these arrangements.

I understand that addiction affects the friends and family of the person who is in active addiction. Because of this, I offer counselling to friends and families, supporting them to explore their experiences and feelings associated with a loved one’s addiction. This helps with maintaining health and helps with the process of setting the necessary boundaries to help their loved one to seek help and recover. I incorporate within my counselling psychoeducation around the disease of addiction, family and addiction, effects on the family, breaking patterns such as enabling through the acquisition and use of new tools, like tough love and boundaries.

This is how change happens. One gesture. One person. One moment at a time.
— Anonymous